
Germaphobia Symptoms, Impact On Lifestyle, Causes, & Treatment Options

Germaphobia (also sometimes spelled germophobia) is the fear of germs. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available to you or your loved ones struggling with this phobia.

By We Level Up FL Treatment Center | Editor Yamilla Francese | Clinically Reviewed By Lauren Barry, LMFT, MCAP, QS, Director of Quality Assurance | Editorial Policy | Research Policy | Last Updated: May 1, 2023

What Is Germaphobia? Germaphobia Definition / Germaphobia Meaning

Germaphobic meaning (define germaphobia): Germaphobia (sometimes spelled germophobia) is the fear of germs. In this case, “germs” refers broadly to any microorganism that causes disease — for instance, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Other names that may refer to germaphobia include:

  • Bacillophobia.
  • Bacteriophobia.
  • Mysophobia.
  • Verminophobia.

Symptoms of Germaphobia

Germophobia symptoms: We all have fears, but phobias tend to be viewed as unreasonable or excessive compared to common fears. The distress and anxiety caused by germ phobia are disproportionate to the damage that germs are likely to cause.

Someone who has germaphobia might go to extreme lengths to avoid contamination. The symptoms of germaphobia are the same as those of other specific phobias. In this case, they apply to thoughts and situations that involve germs.

Germophobic “germ o phobic” Types

Germophobia is the fear of germs and contamination due to heightened germ sensitivity. It is usually accompanied by obsessive-compulsive tendencies such as frequent hand washing and avoiding public places.

There are three main types of germophobia: primary, secondary, and iatrogenic. Primary germophobia refers to lifelong fears of germs and is often firmly rooted in anxiety and related disorders. Secondary germophobia results from a traumatic event that caused the contamination, such as a medical procedure or natural disaster, and may cause intense fears of germs and contamination. Latrogenic germophobia is caused by medical treatment and is typically seen in those with OCD.

Germophobia can produce extraordinary levels of fear, causing the sufferer to avoid those they perceive as carrying germs and leading to an unwillingness to touch items most people consider minimal contamination value. The affected person may practice rituals such as excessive washing their hands and obsessively cleaning their environment to cope. They may also find it challenging to go to public places because of their fear of germs and contamination.

“Germ o phobic” Fears

Bacteriophobia, or bacterium phobia or mysophobia, is an intense fear and avoidance of bacteria.

Common symptoms of bacteriophobia may include:

  • Feeling panicked or nauseous when confronted with bacteria.
  • Avoiding public places and activities where bacteria may be present.
  • Excessive cleaning or hand-washing out of fear of contamination.

Physical symptoms, such as sweating or trembling, may also be reported.

Verminophobia is an intense fear or phobia of small animals, such as insects, spiders, rodents, and reptiles. It is sometimes related to entomophobia (fear of insects) or herpetophobia (fear of reptiles) but typically includes any small animal. Symptoms of verminophobia may include feeling panicked or disgusted by the presence of the animals, avoiding places where they may be found, and having difficulty concentrating or sleeping due to fear.

The emotional and psychological germaphobia symptoms include:

  • Intense terror or fear of germs.
  • Anxiety, worries, or nervousness related to exposure to germs.
  • Thoughts of germ exposure resulting in an illness or other adverse consequence.
  • Thoughts of being overcome with fear in situations when germs are present.
  • Trying to distract yourself from thoughts about germs or conditions that involve germs.
  • Feeling powerless to control a fear of germs that you recognize as unreasonable or extreme.

The behavioral symptoms of germaphobia include:

  • Avoiding or leaving situations perceived to result in germ exposure.
  • Spending an excessive amount of time thinking about, preparing for, or putting off situations that might involve germs.
  • Seeking help to cope with the fear of situations that cause fear.
  • Difficulty functioning at home, work, or school because of fear of germs (for example, the need to excessively wash your hands may limit your productivity in places where you perceive there to be many germs).

The physical symptoms of germaphobia are similar to those of other anxiety disorders and can occur during both thoughts of germs and situations that involve germs. They include:

  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Sweating or chills.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest tightness or pain.
  • Light-headedness.
  • Tingling.
  • Shaking or tremors.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Restlessness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Difficulty relaxing.

What Are Phobias?

It’s normal to feel anxious or afraid in unusual situations. Additionally, you might experience anxiety about factors that can harm your health, such as foods that make you ill. However, these occurrences hardly ever interfere with daily life. Phobias produce stronger emotions. Phobias result in strange, hard-to-control thoughts and behaviors.

Germaphobia (also sometimes spelled germophobia) is the fear of germs. In this case, “germs” refers broadly to any microorganism that causes disease — for instance, bacteria, viruses, or parasites.  Someone obsessed with this condition is sometimes referred to as "germ o phobic".
Germaphobia (also sometimes spelled germophobia) is the fear of germs. In this case, “germs” refers broadly to any microorganism that causes disease — for instance, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Someone obsessed with this condition is sometimes referred to as “germ o phobic”.
Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia, and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs.  Sometimes referred to as "germ o phobic"
Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia, and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs. Sometimes referred to as “germ o phobic”

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Impact On Lifestyle

With germaphobia, the fear of germs is persistent enough to impact your day-to-day life. As a result, people with this fear might go to great lengths to avoid actions that could result in contamination, such as eating out at a restaurant or having sex.

They might also avoid places with plentiful germs, such as public bathrooms, restaurants, or buses. However, some areas are more challenging to avoid, such as work. Actions like touching a doorknob or shaking hands with someone can lead to significant anxiety in these places.

Sometimes, this anxiety leads to compulsive behaviors. For example, someone with germaphobia might frequently wash their hands, shower, or wipe surfaces clean.

While these repeated actions might reduce the risk of contamination, they can be all-consuming, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

Relation To Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Passing concern about germs or illnesses isn’t necessarily a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). With OCD, recurring obsessions result in significant anxiety and distress. These feelings result in compulsive and repetitive behaviors that provide some relief. For example, cleaning is a common compulsion among people who have OCD. It’s possible to have germaphobia without OCD and vice versa. But conversely, some people have both germaphobia and OCD.

The critical difference is that people with germaphobia clean to reduce germs, while people with OCD clean (aka engaging in ritual behavior) to reduce their anxiety.

Causes Of Germaphobia

Like other phobias, germaphobia often begins between childhood and young adulthood. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of a phobia. These include:

  • Negative experiences in childhood: Many people with germaphobia can recall a specific event or traumatic experience that led to germ-related fears.
  • Family history: Phobias can have a genetic link. Having a close family member with a phobia or another anxiety disorder can increase[1] your risk. However, they might not have the same phobia as you.
  • Environmental factors: Beliefs and practices about cleanliness or hygiene that you’re exposed to as a young person may influence the development of germaphobia.
  • Brain factors: Specific changes in brain chemistry and function are thought to play a role in developing phobias.

Triggers are objects, places, or situations that aggravate phobia symptoms. Germaphobia triggers that cause symptoms can include:

  • Bodily fluids such as mucus, saliva, or semen.
  • Unclean objects and surfaces, such as doorknobs, computer keyboards, or unwashed clothes.
  • Places where germs are known to collect, such as airplanes or hospitals.
  • Unhygienic practices or people.

How Germaphobia Is Diagnosed

Germaphobia (fear of contamination phobia) falls under specific phobias in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

To diagnose a phobia, a clinician will conduct an interview. The interview might include questions about your current symptoms and your medical, psychiatric, and family history. Don’t look for a germaphobia test online since most online are not medically approved.

The DSM-5 includes a list of criteria used to diagnose phobias. In addition to experiencing specific symptoms, a phobia typically causes significant distress, impacts your ability to function, and lasts six months or more.

During diagnosis, your clinician may also ask questions to identify whether OCD causes your fear of germs.

Germaphobia may be referred to by other names, including bacillophobia. bacteriophobia.  A person with this condition may be known as "germ o phobic".
Germaphobia may be referred to by other names, including bacillophobia. bacteriophobia. A person with this condition may be known as “germ o phobic”.

How to Get Over Germaphobia?

Exposure therapy is a typical mysophobia therapy. In collaboration with your mental health professional, you investigate the causes of your phobia of germs. The process of conquering mysophobia begins here. Your therapist gradually introduces you to circumstances where germs might be present as soon as you feel comfortable.

How to Overcome Germaphobia?

You investigate the causes of your fear of germs in collaboration with your mental health professional. To get over mysophobia, start with this. Your therapist gradually introduces you to situations where germs may present as you become more at ease.

Germaphobia OCD – OCD Germaphobia

Mysophobia vs OCD (germaphobia vs OCD): A severe phobia of germs is known as mysophobia. You could go out of your way to avoid situations where you could be exposed to germs. The phobia gets worse over time, as do your precautions. Like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you could become caught in a cycle of repetitive activities that negatively impact your quality of life.

Mysophobia vs Germophobia (Germaphobia vs Mysophobia)

A pathological fear of bacteria, germs, filth, pollution, and illness is known as germophobia. Although it can occur in various persons, germophobia—also known as mysophobia, verminophobia, and bacillophobia—is most frequently linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (is germaphobia OCD?).

Do I Have Mysophobia/Germaphobia?

If you have mysophobia, you worry about germs all the time. You might go out of your way to stay away from:

  • Contact with bodily fluids from other people.
  • Filth, dust, mold, and other elements linked to germs.
  • Contaminated food.
  • Surfaces and objects when you are unsure of their cleanliness.

How to Treat Mysophobia? Germaphobia Treatment

Germaphobia treatment (germaphobe treatment) aims to help you become more comfortable with germs, improving your quality of life. Germaphobia is treated with therapy, medication, and self-help measures. If you find yourself saying, “germaphobia is ruining my life,” seek the following treatment alternatives:

  • Therapy: Therapy, also known as psychotherapy or counseling, can help you face your fear of germs. Exposure and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are the most successful treatments[2] for phobias are exposure and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Exposure therapy or desensitization involves gradual exposure to germaphobia triggers. The goal is to reduce anxiety and fear caused by germs. Over time, you regain control of your thoughts about germs. CBT is usually used in combination with exposure therapy. It includes a series of coping skills you can apply when your fear of germs becomes overwhelming.
  • Medication: Therapy is usually enough to treat a phobia. In some cases, medications are used to relieve symptoms of anxiety associated with exposure to germs in the short term. These medications include:
  1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
  2. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

Medication is also available to address symptoms of anxiety during specific situations. These include:

  1. Beta-blockers.
  2. Antihistamines.
  3. Sedatives.
  • Self-help: Specific lifestyle changes and home remedies might help relieve your fear of germs. These include:
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation to target anxiety.
  • Applying other relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or yoga.
  • Staying active.
  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating healthy.
  • Seeking a support group.
  • Confronting feared situations when possible.
  • Reducing caffeine or other stimulant consumption.

Is There Anything I Can Do To Prevent Mysophobia/Germaphobia?

Find healthy ways to control your thoughts and reactions to germs if you suffer from anxiety or OCD. By doing this, the likelihood that these circumstances develop into phobias may be reduced.

By taking good care of your mental health, you can also reduce your risk of developing mysophobia. This is possible by:

  • Limiting the use of alcohol and recreational drugs.
  • Reducing stress while performing daily tasks.
  • Putting an end to tobacco use, including smoking.
  • Spending time with loved ones.
  • Acquiring a new hobby to divert your attention from stress and other worries.

What Is The Outlook For People With Mysophobia/Germaphobia?

You can get over your fear of germs with the aid of exposure therapy and other therapies. You might discover that the actions you once took to feel better are no longer necessary. You can now live your daily life more easily as a result. You might still be more susceptible to germs than most, but you’ll know how to handle exposures without letting anxiety cloud your judgment.

What Else Is Important To Know About Mysophobia/Germaphobia?

If you have mysophobia, you might feel restricted by negative behavioral patterns. Additionally, you might feel helpless to alter them. You can get over your phobia of germs. If you receive treatment, your chances of success increase.

What Are Some Other Mysophobia/Germaphobia Facts?

Mysophobia is a situational phobia, meaning a specific event brings it on. Obsessive-compulsive disorder may also be present in mysophobic individuals (OCD). OCD sufferers find solace in their recurrent, unreasonable urges and thoughts.

Having multiple distinct phobias is also quite common. This could occur in those who have mysophobia, such as:

  • Ataxophobia: Fear of untidiness.
  • Microphobia: Fear of small things.
  • Nosophobia: Fear of disease.
  • Thanatophobia: Fear of death.
  • Zoophobia: Fear of animals.

Top 7 Germaphobia Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How does germaphobia manifest itself?

    Germaphobes will typically have washing and cleaning compulsions and will avoid potential contaminants. Unfortunately, decontamination compulsions can consume the life of affected individuals. Excessive and time-consuming cleaning ritualized showering and bathing to remove perceived dirt and germs, excessive tooth brushing, grooming or toilet routines and constantly focusing on assessing the threat of infection all take their toll on sufferers’ quality of life. Constant washing can result in red, dry, cracked, or irritated skin, discomfort, wrinkles, and skin lesions prone to bleeding and infection.

    Avoidance can include the excessive use of hand sanitizers and antibacterial creams, avoiding handshaking or specific aisles of the supermarket where chemicals are stored, using one’s sleeve or tissue to open a door, wearing gloves, shunning social events to avoid people who might be ill, pushing the heel of one shoe down with the other so as not to touch their shoes, shopping online so as not to have to touch money, and evasion of hospitals, doctors or public toilets which can have an enormously detrimental effect on one’s health, social and work life.

  2. Given germs can make us ill, is there a logical basis for the condition?

    “Good” and “bad” germs must co-exist for our immune systems to work effectively. We must also be exposed to “bad germs” from our early years to develop a strong immune system. The human immune system is, therefore, resilient against germs.

    That said, there are reasonable steps we need to take to maintain good health personally and as a community. While there are times and places when we need to be more attuned to keeping practices healthy concerning the infection (such as when handling food, in a hospital, or during specific outbreaks such as flu season), it is a balancing act. We should not be alarmed or overly fearful or go overboard with preventative and reactive measures.

  3. Has it increased in prevalence in recent years? 

    It’s hard to know whether germaphobia has increased over the years. We know that it has peaked at various times, such as when there has been widespread reporting of AIDS, Bird Flu, Ebola, and Zika virus outbreaks. Once these outbreaks subside, so does the reporting of germaphobia.

  4. Are there common causes that can trigger it?

    A range of genetic and psychological factors, as well as life experiences, influence its onset. A predisposition to be sensitive to threats increases the chances of developing germaphobia. A family history of OCD or anxiety disorders, an upbringing overly focused on germs and washing/cleaning, or a history of health problems also increases the chances. Overestimating the probability of danger and the likely severity of dangerous outcomes eventuating, preserving the need for perfection and one’s intolerance for uncertainty, and having an overinflated sense of personal responsibility for preventing harm will all increase a person’s propensity for germaphobia.

  5. Do you think the promotion of antibacterial products can exacerbate the incidence of germaphobia?  

    Yes. There are instances where antibacterial products are required, such as in hospitals and food management, and their reasonable use can be advantageous. But scare campaigns that encourage the overuse of such products detriment individuals and the community. For instance, the increased prevalence of allergies and asthma have been linked to parents’ widespread use of antibacterial products.

  6. Is it still possible to be a germaphobe and be filthy?   

    With human nature, everything is possible. So, yes, it is possible to be germaphobic and live in unkempt surroundings, especially in cases where people are highly avoidant. I have seen several instances of people who live in squalid conditions, presenting with Hoarding Disorder and OCD characterized by contamination fears.

  7. Is being a germaphobe a mental illness?

    “Germ o phobic” is a typical misspelling of germaphobia that falls under the category of specific phobias in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

We Level Up Treatment Center provides world-class care with round-the-clock medical professionals available to help you cope. In addition, we work as an integrated team providing information about germaphobia and other aspects of treatment. Make this your opportunity to reclaim your life. Call today to speak with one of our treatment specialists. Our specialists know what you are going through and answer any of your questions.

Your call is private and confidential, and there is never any obligation.

How to Improve Mental Health? 8 Steps & Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Wellbeing Video

8 Steps for Mental Wellbeing & How To Improve Mental Health In The Workplace

  1. Staying Positive
  2. Practicing Gratitude
  3. Taking Care of Your Physical Health
  4. Connecting With Others
  5. Developing a Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life
  6. Developing Coping Skills
  7. Meditation
  8. Relaxation Techniques
Search We Level Up FL Germaphobia Resources

[1] Severity measures for specific phobia—adult. (2013).


[2] Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Specific phobias.


[3] Mayo Clinic – mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/specific-phobias/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355162

[4] OCD Treatment – We Level Up » Mental Health

Merck Manual Consumer Version. Phobic Disorders (Phobias). (https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/quick-facts-mental-health-disorders/anxiety-and-stress-related-disorders/phobic-disorders-phobias) Accessed 2/24/2022.

Merck Manual Consumer Version. Specific Phobic Disorders. (https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/mental-health-disorders/anxiety-and-stress-related-disorders/specific-phobic-disorders) Accessed 2/24/2022.

National Health Service (United Kingdom). Phobias. (https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/phobias/) Accessed 2/24/2022.

Anxiety, fears, and phobias. (2013).

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Specific phobias.

Muris P, et al. (1998). How serious are common childhood fears?