Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida

We Level Up FL can help with inpatient primary dual diagnosis programs. Depending on the extent of secondary disorders, we can first help assess your condition and thereafter guide you to suitable treatment options at our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida.

Co-occurring dual diagnosis, also known as multi-diagnosis or co-morbid disorders, is a clinical definition that describes an affliction of both a primary mental health disorder and a substance abuse case. Often, one condition contributes to and even worsens the other. While there is no specific known explanation for why primary psychiatric illness and secondary drug and alcohol addiction co-occur so frequently, there are now science-based treatment recovery options that can work to achieve a more fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one needs help, our dual diagnosis treatment center is here to provide it. Among other treatments, We Level Up Tamarac FL provides inpatient primary dual diagnosis programs. Depending on the extent of your secondary disorders, we can assess your condition and guide you to suitable dual diagnosis treatment Florida doctors prescribe. Contact us today, and don’t delay the beginning of your recovery. The future can be bright if you act sooner rather than later.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis describes a health condition in which those suffering from one disorder have additional, generally intermingled conditions. People with dual diagnosis have two conditions occurring at the same time. Those who suffer from both a primary mental health illness and addiction often exhibit more severe symptoms that are more persistent and resistant to treatment as compared to others who suffer from one disorder, mental health versus addiction, exclusively.

A worried woman, thinking about dual diagnosis treatment Florida

There are estimations that in the US, 2.7 million adults aged 18 or older had co-occurring conditions, with over 40% of them not receiving treatment for either condition. 

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), about 9.5 million adults in the US struggle with a dual diagnosis disorder with both mental health disorders and addiction. Unfortunately, only a small fraction of those in need, suffering from primary mental health and secondary addiction disorders, actually seek and obtain professional treatment to recover. 

Why do Mental Health Conditions Co-occur? 

Although co-occurring, having two mental health disorders at the same time does not mean that one disorder caused the other, even if one appeared first. It can be hard to figure out which came first. However, there are some possible explanations as to why mental health disorders and substance abuse co-occur. 

For severe mental health disorders, emotional pain and suffering can oftentimes lead to and further trigger one’s addiction. It is not uncommon that a person with mental health illness will use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate and attempt to cope with their psychological ailments. In some cases, an underlying addiction may uncover or exacerbate the primary mental health-related illness.

It can be challenging to accept that you may be living with a mental disorder, but once it is properly diagnosed and treated, treating the presenting case of substance abuse can be much easier. Only a properly trained medical professional can diagnose these underlying conditions. 

A man suffering before entering dual diagnosis treatment center Florida
Dual diagnosis treatment Florida addresses co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis

Primary mental health conditions and secondary addiction disorders often occur together. However, many of the symptoms for each condition that co-occur can be quite distinct. While symptoms naturally differ for each specific mental health illness, there are common signs of an emotional disorder, such as:

  • Risky behaviors.
  • Lack of energy.
  • The feeling of panic and fear.
  • Suicidal thinking.
  • Feelings of guilt.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Change in appetite and weight.
  • Lack of interest in daily endeavors.
  • Lack of sleep and changes in sleep patterns.
  • Racing thoughts and trouble concentrating.
  • Change in appetite, weight, or sleep patterns.
  • Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.

Signs of Secondary Substance Abuse Disorder

  • Unable to stop using an addictive substance.
  • Tendency to use more of the addictive substance than planned or advised.
  • Cravings/withdrawal symptoms when stopping the use of the abused substance.
  • Spending substantive time seeking the addictive drug, using it, and recovering after its use.
  • Abusing drugs at the cost of personal relationships, regular activities, and personal safety.
  • Unable to meet career, school, and family obligations because of the use of an addictive drug.
  • Building tolerance for an addictive substance and feeling like you need an increased dose to achieve the same high.

Only specialized dual diagnosis treatment centers, like the mental health center Tamarac, have trained staff that understand the link between mental health and secondary addiction disorders. They are well trained and experienced in more complex dual diagnosis treatment therapy required for improved positive recovery outcomes.

Frequent Examples of Dual Diagnosis

The most common mental disorders that co-occur with secondary addiction disorders are depression, anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder. 

Anxiety disorder: People with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) display excessive anxiety or worry, most days for at least 6 months, about many things, such as personal health, work, social interactions, and everyday routine life circumstances. Fear and anxiety can cause significant problems in areas of their life, such as social interactions, school, and work. Panic attacks, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are a few examples of anxiety disorders. It’s critical to get anxiety treatment as soon as possible since, for someone with an anxiety condition, the anxiety does not go away and can worsen over time, which could be a possible cause of subsequent substance abuse problems.

Depression: If a person has a major depressive disorder, they are more likely to develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Women with postpartum depression (PPD) experience full-blown major depression during pregnancy or after delivery. The feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that accompany postpartum depression may make it difficult for these new mothers to complete daily care activities for themselves and/or their babies. Besides the very common PPD, patients can suffer from a wide variety of depression types: persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia – lasts for at least two years), psychotic depression (depression plus some form of psychosis – delusions or hallucinations), seasonal affective disorder (SAD – winter depression).

Bipolar disorder: Someone with bipolar disorder experiences episodes of extremely low moods that meet the criteria for major depression (called “Bipolar Depression”). But a person with bipolar disorder also experiences extreme high – euphoric or irritable – moods called “mania” or a less severe form called “hypomania.” Bipolar disorder and BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) dual diagnosis can occasionally result in severe symptoms. The patient might require intensive hospital inpatient treatment. Other times, individuals with both disorders may only require outpatient treatment rather than hospitalization. Everything depends on how severe and intense each disorder is. The symptoms of one of the illnesses may be more severe than those of the other.

Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Treatment Centers: We Level Up offers free mental health co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment assessment, without any obligation.
Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Treatment Centers: We Level Up offers free mental health co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment assessment, without any obligation.

People with these diagnoses may use drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with their mental health conditions. They can also make addiction more difficult to treat. If you are diagnosed with both conditions, it is important to get treatment for each of them.

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The Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Florida Services

There is growing evidence that with professional treatment, clients with dual diagnoses, meaning both mental health and a secondary addiction disorder, can stabilize and recover. While a large part of treatment for co-occurring dual diagnosis involves behavioral interventions, the first step is to conduct an in-depth addiction and behavioral health assessment

Treatment for co-occurring dual diagnosis will vary based on the client’s circumstances, situation, and preferences. Co-occurring dual-diagnosis treatment is generally more severe and difficult to treat than single-diagnosis.

A client and therapist speaking during dual diagnosis treatment Florida.
Dual diagnosis treatment Florida involves medications and behavioral interventions.

Dual Diagnosis Assessment at We Level Up Center

We Level Up mental health facilities offer free mental health co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment assessments without any obligation. A co-occurring diagnosis assessment is critical in determining the best treatment options for your circumstances. It takes into account not only a clinical assessment for co-occurring dual diagnoses but also a comprehensive team of health professionals from multiple specialties that can consider multiple factors, including but not limited to:

Best Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers: We Level Up FL is a First-class Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center.  Caring for primary mental health to secondary substance abuse cases triggered by the underlying primary behavioral disorders.
One of the best dual diagnosis treatment centers: We Level Up FL is a first-class dual diagnosis treatment center. Caring for primary mental health to secondary substance abuse cases triggered by the underlying primary behavioral disorders.
  • Does the client meet the criteria for a primary psychiatric illness?
  • Does the client have a support system and resources available to cope with their conditions?
  • Is the client a danger to themselves or others? Or has a history of violence or has experienced suicidal thoughts?
  • Does the client have a history of secondary co-occurring substance use as a result of their primary negative psychiatric disorders?
  • What are the client’s mental health negative behaviors like? Are they impacting daily living, relationships, work, and leisure activities?
  • Is the client motivated to get treated and go to inpatient treatment? Does the client have family or other support required for treatment to succeed?

Establishing a dual diagnosis is not simple, but having all this information helps make educated and well-thought-out decisions about a client´s treatment

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida

Dual diagnosis treatment Florida professionals recommend is generally described as the specific treatment of someone who has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder at the same time. Treating dual-diagnosis clients is a critical aspect of our inpatient treatment experience because co-occurring disorders are strongly correlated with instances of substance abuse. Studies have shown that treating only one disorder while ignoring the co-occurring other secondary disorders places clients at a significantly increased risk of decline.

Generally, people who struggle with primary mental health conditions and co-occurring secondary drug or alcohol addiction, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTSD or trauma, fear, anger, and borderline personality, are said to have a co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment track. Co-occurring dual diagnosis recovery can be achieved through integrated and comprehensive care that treats both the primary mental health disorder and the underlying secondary addiction illness.

Ryan Zofay forming a circle and hugging friends.

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To begin with, co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment is clearly more intense and challenging to recover from. That’s why the higher the severity of the co-occurring addiction and mental disorder, the greater the benefits from inpatient care. In inpatient treatment, also called the residential level of care, clients live at the treatment center during recovery. Depending on the facility’s rules, residents can generally participate in less rigid treatment to regroup and rest up for more intense therapy.

Due to the complex nature of co-occurring disorders, many people with dual diagnosis treatment need continued and incremental care, such as on-site multidisciplinary therapists with training and backgrounds that are usually found in inpatient treatment centers. Their therapy programs are managed by a team of integrated professionals who understand and know firsthand how to treat clients suffering from multiple problems, known as dual diagnosis rehab. Clients can then benefit from the intense therapy critical to getting better and building a path to sustainable recovery from multiple disorders.

We Level Up Tamarac dual diagnosis treatment Florida center is able to provide a fully comprehensive team of treatment specialists for both primary behavioral mental health and secondary substance abuse care. 

A psychotherapist taking notes during a session.
Dual diagnosis treatment center Florida takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to treating both co-occurring diagnoses.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida: What to Expect? 

Creating a dual diagnosis treatment Florida plan that addresses the physical aspects of withdrawal, the psychological connection with drug use, and managing underlying mental health disorders is part of setting clients up for success. Meeting with mental health counselors and medical care providers means access to behavioral therapy and medication treatment. At our dual diagnosis treatment center Florida, we implement the highest quality of care. 

Types of science-based behavioral therapies applied in dual diagnosis treatment include:

  • Individual one-on-one psychotherapy: In this treatment modality, behaviors related to addiction or particular behavioral or mental health issues are analyzed and discussed, culminating with an actionable treatment plan for recovery.
  • Integrated group therapy: In this treatment modality, a peer support group together embarks on tackling and treating the symptoms of both the addiction and mental health cases at the same time for the entire group.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT: DBT is an evidence-based psychotherapy that can be helpful in treating suicidal thoughts, self-harm, mood disorders, and addiction
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: In this treatment modality, a therapist works to minimize harmful beliefs and behaviors and develop healthier behavioral and thinking patterns to sustain sobriety.

For some primary behavioral health treatment clients, medical detox and or addiction rehab may be required first. While co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment therapy can incorporate therapies in combination with medication, any medication must be personalized to the clients and their exact diagnosis. More commonly prescribed medications for co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment may include lithium and anticonvulsants. These are often prescribed as mood stabilizers, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), other antidepressants, and anti-anxiety drugs such as buspirone (BuSpar).

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In terms of dynamics during dual diagnosis treatment Florida, you can expect to receive the following:

  • One-on-one and daily group peer therapy sessions.
  • Ongoing education about mental health issues and addiction.
  • Opportunity to attend and contribute to specialized support groups.
  • Support from a community of clients who are like you to lean on and learn more.
  • Supervised medical care by trained professionals who will guide you each step of the way.

Co-occurring treatment can take place in both inpatient and outpatient programs. Generally, inpatient treatment offers unique benefits, with larger, more integrated programs and more trained and specialized treatment staff that can make all the difference in achieving recovery.

Outpatient Behavioral Co-occurring Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Outpatient treatment for dual diagnosis cases can be much more flexible than an inpatient treatment center program. Whereas outpatient programs vary in intensity and time commitment, inpatient programs tend to last about 4 weeks in a residential setting and are on-site, around the clock. For some clients, participating in intensive outpatient programs or IOP, where they spend as much as 30 hours weekly or more at a local clinic, is their preferred initial treatment. With inpatient treatment reserved in case their initial IOP fails to materialize into recovery.

Generally, inpatient dual diagnosis treatment is necessary at first. Clients thereafter move on to an intensive outpatient program to support their continued treatment. Outpatient programs can help clients transition to living in their community with more independence while they continue their recovery treatment. In outpatient treatment, clients can receive a variety of services and treatments, including:

  • Transportation.
  • Personal and or family therapy.
  • Participation in 12-step programs.
  • Participation in peer support groups.
  • Treatment medication management.
  • Support in sober living and or independent living communities.
  • Participation in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

The We Level Up Tamarac FL Treatment Center provides inpatient services. For qualified patients, outpatient services may be available through our affiliates at the We Level Up Network Center outside of Florida. Please call if you need additional information.

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Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (Dual Diagnosis AA)

A 12-step program variant called Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) employs the guiding principles of Alcoholics Anonymous to assist people who experience the negative impacts of dual diagnosis. In order to heal their dual diagnosis or learn to live with the unsolved difficulties, DDA is described as a “fellowship of folks who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, concerns, and hopes with one another.”

A group of people in group therapy session.
A 12-step program can offer great support during outpatient dual diagnosis treatment Florida.

Why Choose Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida?

Your path to recovery should be personalized to your needs, circumstances, and situation. Your selected treatment center should integrate both primary mental health and secondary substance abuse treatment. Your treatment plan must be custom-tailored to fit your needs. SAMHSA, a government agency, supports an integrated and personalized treatment modality for behavioral co-occurring dual-diagnosis disorders.

Our residential inpatient dual diagnosis treatment center Florida can offer the best of all worlds when it comes to comprehensive therapy. Our facility offers larger, more diverse, and multidisciplinary trained specialists who are better capable of helping with more complex and intense co-occurring disorders. Depending on your specific situation and individualized circumstances, clients with dual diagnosis can benefit from a variety of therapeutic interventions from various treatment options, including:

  • Specialty comprehensive medically supervised detox programs.
  • Specialty community inpatient behavioral health centers.
  • Addiction disorders inpatient rehab programs.
  • Mutual support groups and peer-run organizations.
  • Independent providers, such as therapists and counselors in private practice.
  • Hospital-based treatment programs or access to hospital services.
  • Community-based organizations, such as churches.
  • Schools and education programs.
  • Criminal justice programs, such as counseling services within a prison system.
  • Primary care programs that offer behavioral health services.

We Level Up Tamarac FL can help with inpatient primary dual diagnosis programs. Depending on the extent of secondary disorders, we can first help assess your condition and thereafter guide you to suitable treatment options at our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida.

We do not offer PHP, IOP, or outpatient level of care at this time. Programs, services, and treatments vary

Dual Diagnosis Florida: Insurance and Financial Information

The costs of treatment will vary by center and program. Fees can also be influenced by differing levels of insurance coverage. If you have insurance, you may call the number on the back of your card to check with your carrier or reach out to our dual diagnosis treatment center Florida to learn more about your coverage without any obligation. You can get information like:

  • If your medical plan cover behavioral co-occurring dual diagnosis treatment?
  • How much your carrier will pay, and how much will be out of pocket, if any?
  • Which behavioral programs fall under your medical plan coverage?

We accept different insurance providers, so if you need any additional information about Aetna Mental Health Coverage, Blue Cross Blue Shield Mental Health Coverage, Cigna, or others, please get in touch with your insurance provider or our representatives. Your recovery costs can be fully or partially covered, depending on your insurance plan. We can explore other payment options if your insurance plan does not cover your stay. 

A hand holding a pen in a dual diagnosis treatment center Florida.
We Level Up dual diagnosis treatment center Florida accepts the majority of insurance.

Heal With the Help of Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida

We at We Level Up Tamarac FL recognize the fragile complexities of how mental and substance abuse disorders can influence others and sometimes result in a vicious cycle of addiction. That’s why we offer specialized dual diagnosis treatment Florida programs to provide the best chance of true healing and long-lasting recovery.

Call for a free assessment and learn more about what dual diagnosis treatment center options may be most suitable for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida

What is dual diagnosis treatment in Florida?

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Florida is a comprehensive, tailored-to-your-needs program addressing co-occurring mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders. In general, it involves medications, behavioral therapy, and support groups, but it might vary depending on your needs and circumstances.

What are the most frequent co-occurring conditions?

There seems to be a higher prevalence of dual diagnoses that, in addition to substance use disorder, include depression and anxiety. Bipolar disorder and PTSD are other frequent conditions coupled with substance use disorder.

What type of psychotherapy can I expect during a dual diagnosis treatment Florida?

We rely on evidence-based approaches in all our treatment programs. Dual diagnosis treatment Florida may involve cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as well as dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT). It can be carried out as part of individual or group therapy. We also advise joining support groups and the 12-step program.

What can I expect after leaving dual diagnosis treatment center Florida?

Towards the end of your inpatient recovery, we will start discussing the aftercare plan. It may involve regular check-ups, continuous therapy, or recovery coaching. We also offer an alumni program to make you feel supported if things become overwhelming once you leave our facilities.

How much would my dual diagnosis treatment Florida cost?

Every dual diagnosis treatment Florida program is crafted for an individual client, resulting in a variety of methods implemented during your stay. The cost will depend not only on the services received but also on your insurance plan, as some of them offer partial or full coverage of our services.

How can I get more information on dual diagnosis treatment Florida?

Call the dual diagnosis treatment center Florida on the 24/7 hotline (855) 940 6125 or fill out this form so we can contact you. We remind you that all our calls are confidential, and there is never any obligation.

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Hryb, K., Kirkhart, R. and Talbert, R. (2019). A call for standardized definition of dual diagnosis. Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)), [online] 4(9), pp.15–6. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2880934/.

Quality, S., Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and (n.d.). Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. [online] www.samhsa.gov. Available at: https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt29393/2019NSDUHFFRPDFWHTML/2019NSDUHFFR090120.htm#mhisud.