
Factors That Affect Safe Detox Timelines

Inpatient medical detox and residential primary addiction treatment may be available at our affiliated facility at Level Up Treatment West Palm Beach. For some primary behavioral health treatment clients, medical detox may be required first. If you have a co-occurring severe substance abuse diagnosis, please contact us prior to beginning inpatient mental health therapy. Treatment services may vary. Please call us to learn which treatment options are most suited for your individual needs.

Safety and comfort should come to mind when considering detox options. Detox is the process of letting the body remove the drugs in it. The pain and discomfort from withdrawal symptoms are a major battle. It doesn’t have to be that way. Our safe and comfortable detox program is designed to address emotional and physical symptoms. For successful recovery of the mind, body, and spirit. Our goal is to achieve comfortable detox without sacrificing safety and effectiveness.

Detox is believed to be a very uncomfortable process. That is why a lot of people have fear in doing it. Everyone has a different experience with detox.  The type of substance and how long it was used affect what it will be like. We will not sugarcoat it.  It isn’t going to be easy, but it is necessary, and it is going to be worth it. The key to safe and comfortable detox is to choose medically assisted detox.

Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs can produce withdrawal symptoms. While the home may initially seem like a more comfortable environment, it could end up saving your life to go through the process of detox under medical supervision. In addition, home detox does not offer the other treatment and recovery methods, such as counseling and aftercare, that can maintain long-term sobriety.

Alcohol Withdrawal

I am an Alcoholic. What now?
I am an Alcoholic. What now? Safe and Comfortable Detox

Safe and Comfortable Detox can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs can produce really awful symptoms. While the home may initially seem like a more comfortable environment, it could end up saving your life to go through the process of detox under medical supervision. In addition, home detox does not offer the other treatment and recovery methods, such as counseling and aftercare, that can maintain long-term sobriety.

A holistic and comfortable healthcare environment can support physical health treatment and address the psychosocial and spiritual needs of clients. As a result, it produces measurable positive effects on clinical outcomes. Creating a safe and comfortable Detox environment can ultimately improve the overall recovery experience for clients.

Every person’s detox needs are different. Detoxing at home may feel safe and comfortable but doing so comes with significant risks. There are inpatient and outpatient detox programs that help prevent dangerous complications. People with severe addictions should seek inpatient detox because withdrawal can be fatal. Inpatient detox includes 24-hour support and monitoring.

The Detox Process Typically Involves 3 steps:


The medical team screens incoming clients for physical and mental health issues. Moreover, doctors use blood tests to measure the amount of drugs in the client’s system. As a result, this helps determine the level of medications needed.


During a safe and comfortable detox, tThe next step is to stabilize the client with medical and psychological therapy. The goal of stabilization is to prevent any form of harm to the client. Also, doctors can prescribe addiction treatment medications to avert complications and lessen withdrawal symptoms.

Preparing Entry into Treatment

The last step of detox is the preparation for a treatment program. Doctors familiarize their patients with the treatment process and what to expect. Moreover, inpatient rehab offers the best chances of success after detox.

Withdrawal Can Be Uncomfortable

Everyone has a different experience with detox. The type of substance and the frequency of use affect what detox will be like.  Battling the effects of detox is the scariest part of getting sober. The most uncomfortable detox withdrawal symptoms usually peak around 10 to 30 hours after the last drink and start to lessen by 40 to 50 hours. Although delirium tremens is unlikely, roughly 30 percent of those who get it will also develop Aspiration Pneumonia. A medically assisted withdrawal helps prevent serious complications, keeps track of a patient’s health condition, and relieves any painful effects.

Having a safe and comfortable Detox, doesn’t mean that withdrawal symptoms won’t be there, the safe and comfortable Detox process requires medical help and supervision trying to help the patient to deal with these awful effects.

Treating Withdrawal Symptoms

Treatment facilities use several distinct methods to help their clients manage withdrawal symptoms during detox. Traditional treatment includes medical detox methods, and holistic treatment plans include alternative techniques such as massage & yoga.

Medically Safe and Comfortable Detox

When the symptoms of withdrawal become dangerous or intolerable, medical detox can provide relief and prevent possible permanent damage to the detoxing individual. Different medications may be prescribed depending on the symptoms that present and the unique needs of the detoxing person.

These medications may include Valium or another form of benzodiazepine to reduce anxiety, anticonvulsants to control seizures, or barbiturates for sedation. Sedation can help manage both psychological and physical symptoms. Additionally, vitamins and supplements are often given to prevent any nutritional deficiencies.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) [1], the setting in which detoxification is carried out should be appropriate for the medical and psychological conditions present and should be adequate to provide the degree of monitoring needed to ensure safety.

Safe and Comfortable Detox
Safe and Comfortable Detox available at Level Up Treatment West Palm Beach.

Holistic Detox Methods

A holistic approach to rehab does not mean excluding medical interventions, rather using them in conjunction to provide maximum benefits. At Holistic Treatment Centers, we offer a holistic approach to safe and comfortable Detox and recovery, including massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, sound therapy, and yoga. These treatments have been shown to help the alcohol detox process along and provide relief to the detoxing person.

Factors That Affect Safe Detox Timelines

Although no one can say exactly how long it will take for an individual to detox, there are several factors that can help give a general idea of how long detox will take. These factors include:

  • Frequency and volume of alcohol or drug use
  • How long alcohol or drug abuse has occurred
  • Biological Sex
  • Weight
  • History of detox & treatment
  • The presence of co-occurring mental health disorders (examples are: depression & anxiety)
  • Existing medical conditions

For instance, someone who has been drinking heavily every day for years is likely to experience withdrawal symptoms that are longer and more severe than an individual that drinks about the same amount but has only been drinking for six months, in these cases is important to look for a safe and comfortable Detox program to overcome the addiction.

Due to biological factors, when looking at a male and female who have a nearly identical past with alcohol, the women may be more likely to have a worse detox experience. Additionally, any mental or physical health issues can add complications that contribute to an extended detox period.

We Level FL Mental Health Center: Primary Mental Health Treatment with Secondary Co-Occurring Treatment

We Level Up FL primary mental health center stands ready to help. Offering secondary treatment therapy for underlying problems like Drug and Alcohol Addiction often fuel negative behaviors. Taking that first step to get the help you deserve can be life-changing.

We understand how behavioral disorders and secondary co-occurring addiction diagnoses directly impact each other. We Level Up Florida can instill a support system through our mental health treatments that can make you feel valuable. Call us now for a free mental health assessment! 

Inpatient medical safe and comfortable Detox and residential primary addiction treatment may be available at our affiliated facility at Level Up Treatment West Palm Beach.


[1] SAMHSA – Safe and Comfortable Detox https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/d7/priv/sma15-4131.pdf