Suicidal Depression Helpline
Depression can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how bad it is. When it gets severe or moderate, it can cause people to hurt themselves, think about suicide, or try to kill themselves. It is imperative that you know the signs and get help when you need it. This is what you need to know about suicide and how to get help:
If you or someone you know needs immediate help:
- Text HOME to 741-741 for a confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7.
- Text or call 988 or visit for immediate support.
- In a medical emergency or immediate danger, call 911 and explain the need for mental health crisis support.
While the majority of individuals with depression do not attempt suicide, depression is associated with an increased risk of suicide. Approximately 60% of people who die by suicide have experienced a mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder.
Certain factors can elevate the risk of suicide attempts, including:
- Previous suicide attempts.
- A family history of suicide.
- Prolonged stress or overwhelming personal crises, such as relationship issues, bullying, job loss, or the loss of a loved one.
- Access to firearms and life-threatening substances.
- Individuals facing discrimination, including refugees, migrants, indigenous people, LGBTQ individuals, and prisoners, are also at higher risk.
If you’re concerned about yourself or someone you care about, trust your instincts. Don’t hesitate to ask if they’re thinking about suicide, express your support, and assist them in seeking professional help promptly.
Remember: Suicide is preventable. Depression is treatable, and you can begin to feel better with support and time. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for professional help immediately. Your life is valuable, and there is hope.
What is Depression?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is a common but serious mood condition (sometimes known as severe depressive illness or clinical depression). The symptoms are so powerful that they prevent you from sleeping, eating, and working. The presence of depressive symptoms for at least two weeks is required for a diagnosis.
Although there are a few subtypes of depression and specific unusual triggers for their onset, therapy for depression is always necessary when the symptoms persist for an extended period.
How is Depression and Suicide Connected?
Suicide and depression go hand in hand because depression makes suicidal ideas and actions much more likely. This is how they are connected:
- Depression often leads to heightened thoughts of suicide due to feelings of hopelessness and mental anguish.
- The emotional pain caused by depression can become so unbearable that suicide seems like the only escape.
- Depression can lead to social withdrawal, reduce the support network, and worsen suicidal thoughts.
- Depression often co-occurs with conditions like anxiety, substance abuse, or bipolar disorder, further elevating suicide risk.
- Access to deadly weapons or drugs increases the risk of suicide among depressed individuals.
- Depression can make you lose interest in things that used to make you happy and feel disconnected from life, which can cause suicidal thoughts.
What are the Warning Signs of Suicidal Depression?
It’s paramount to be aware of the signs of suicidal sadness. Keep an eye out for these things:
- Obsession with Death: A person may frequently talk about death, dying, or wanting to end their life. They might delve into research on suicide methods or acquire potentially dangerous items.
- Planning: Suicidal individuals might make concrete plans for their death, including drafting a will, giving away possessions, or composing a suicide note.
- Social Withdrawal: Those contemplating suicide tend to isolate themselves from friends and family, losing interest in once-cherished activities and social gatherings.
- Hopelessness: Expressing feelings of unbearable emotional pain or seeing themselves as burdens on others is expected.
- Mood Fluctuations: Suicidal individuals often exhibit mood swings such as depression, anxiety, sadness, or anger. They can become intensely irritable, moody, or even aggressive. Paradoxically, they might appear calm once they’ve resolved to take their own life. Disturbances in sleep patterns, either excessive sleeping or insomnia, are common.
- Substance Abuse: Increased alcohol or drug consumption can be a sign, as individuals sometimes turn to substance misuse as a way to cope with their pain or to intentionally harm themselves.
- Recklessness: Engaging in reckless behaviors, seemingly without concern for the consequences, is a significant red flag.
- Neglect of Self-Care: A noticeable decline in personal hygiene and overall well-being may indicate a crisis.
- Final Preparations: Making arrangements as if preparing for the end, including writing a will or saying prolonged goodbyes, is concerning.
- Lethal Means: Attempts to access destructive methods, such as firearms or dangerous drugs, should not be overlooked.
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Learn More:
- Self Harm Treatment
- Depression Treatment
- Psychiatric Disorders Treatment
- Signs of Depression in Men, Causes, & What to Know
- Rehab for Depression & Anxiety Treatment
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- Mental Health Poems that are Powerful and Healing
- Short-Term Disability Mental Health
End the Emotional Pain. Get Your Life Back.
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