
ADHD in Women. Test & Symptom Checklist for Adults.

Discover this ADHD in women test to determine whether you show any typical ADD symptoms. Learn more about your treatment options for ADHD in women..

What Is ADHD? ADHD in Women. Test

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that affects the brain. It makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control their behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD affects an estimated 15 million people in America. In addition, it is more common in males than females.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recognizes ADHD as a medically and legally treatable condition. Individuals with ADHD may have a hard time maintaining attention and finishing tasks. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can lead to unstable relationships, poor work performance, depression, and substance abuse. Proper ADHD Treatment is attainable, therefore, early detection is a must.

Women with ADHD frequently go undiagnosed. Because their symptoms were overlooked or neglected, a great number of women had to endure being labeled sluggish, selfish, spacey, or dumb as children.

If you had a childhood filled with taunts and low self-esteem, use this ADHD in women test to determine whether you show any typical ADD symptoms. After that, get a diagnosis from your doctor after discussing the findings.

ADHD Symptoms

A person may not be diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood because teachers or family did not recognize the condition at a younger age.

Symptoms can become more severe when the demands of adulthood increase.

  • Difficulty finishing tasks
  • Problems listening to others
  • Struggles with organizing projects or responsibilities
  • Forgetfulness
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Inability to control speech or actions
  • Frequently losing or misplacing personal items

People with ADHD may also be clumsy, unable to sleep, and have temper tantrums, and mood swings. They may find it hard to socialize and make friends. The symptoms and development of ADHD vary from person to person.

Types of ADHD

ADHD is a mental disorder that affects many people, and there are different types of this disorder. Types of ADHD can be an inattentive type or a hyperactive-impulsive type.

Inattentive Type

A person with this type often loses focus and thus gets off-topic, people must have at least six of these nine symptoms,

  • Making careless mistakes
  • Failing to pay attention and keep on task
  • Not listening
  • Being unable to follow or understand instructions
  • Avoiding tasks that involve effort
  • Being distracted
  • Being forgetful
  • Losing things that are needed to complete tasks

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type.

The hyperactive-impulsive type must have six or more of these symptoms:

  • Fidgeting
  • Squirming
  • Getting up often when seated
  • Running or climbing at inappropriate times
  • Having trouble playing quietly
  • Talking too much
  • Talking out of turn or blurting out
  • Interrupting
Types of ADHD can be an inattentive type or a hyperactive-impulsive type.
ADHD in women test: Types of ADHD can be an inattentive type or a hyperactive-impulsive type.

Combined Type

The Combined Type means that the person has symptoms from both types, while the Predominantly Inattentive Type means that the person only has symptoms of the first type. People usually go through a series of stages before they receive an accurate diagnosis for either type (Types of ADHD). Someone who is diagnosed with primary inattentiveness might be told they have ADD or some other disorder (Types of ADHD). Since there is still some debate among experts.

Types of ADHD vary in severity. Usually, with medication, most people can adjust to dealing with this disorder. Sometimes there is a possibility that if you don’t take your medication correctly it could cause an overdose with serious consequences. Types of ADHD are different for everyone who has them, but they are all manageable if taken seriously and properly dealt with.

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ADHD Fact Sheet

ADHD Overview

A long-term disorder characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity, and trouble paying focus. ADHD frequently manifests in early childhood and can last into adulthood. Low self-esteem, problematic relationships, and challenges at school or at work may all be impacted. Limited attention and hyperactivity are symptoms. Talk therapy and medication are used as treatments.

ADHD Symptoms

  • Behavioral: Aggression, excitement, fidgeting, hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability, a lack of self-control, or a pattern of repeatedly repeating words or actions.
  • Cognitive: short attention span, forgetfulness, difficulty focusing, absentmindedness, or other cognitive symptoms.
  • Mood: Feelings of hostility, worry, boredom, enthusiasm, or mood swings
  • Also common: Depression and learning disabilities are also frequent.

ADHD Treatment

  • Support group: A place where those pursuing the same disease or objective, such as weight loss or depression, can receive counseling and exchange experiences.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: A conversation treatment that aimed to change the negative attitudes, actions, and feelings connected to psychiatric discomfort.
  • Counseling psychology: A subfield of psychology that handles issues with the self that are connected to work, school, family, and social life.
  • Anger management: To reduce destructive emotional outbursts, practice mindfulness, coping skills, and trigger avoidance.
  • Psychoeducation: Mental health education that also helps individuals feel supported, validated, and empowered
  • Family therapy: psychological counseling that improves family communication and conflict resolution.

ADHD Statistics

The CDC analyzes data from parent surveys and medical claims to comprehend how attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed and treated (ADHD). Depending on the source, estimates for diagnosis and therapy can differ.

6 Million

The estimated number of children aged 3–17 years ever diagnosed with ADHD, according to a national survey of parents, is 6 million (9.8%) using data from 2016-2019. 

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


A national parent survey from 2016 reported on medication and behavior treatment for children 2–17 years of age with current ADHD 62% were taking ADHD medication

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

15 Million

ADHD affects an estimated 15 million people in America.

Source: National Institute of Mental Health

At the We Level Up FL mental health facility, we provide the utmost care with doctors and medical staff available 24/7 for life-changing and lasting recovery. 
 ADHD in women test: At the We Level Up FL mental health facility, we provide the utmost care with doctors and medical staff available 24/7 for life-changing and lasting recovery. 

Female ADHD Test – ADHD in Women Test

ADHD in females is frequently misdiagnosed. Because their symptoms were neglected or discarded, too many women grew up being labeled lazy, selfish, spacey, or dumb.

Take this female ADHD quiz to determine whether you display typical ADD symptoms if you experienced bullying and low self-esteem as a child. After that, discuss the findings with your doctor before requesting a diagnosis.

ADHD Symptoms in Women Test – ADHD in Women Test

ADHD or ADD affects people of all genders equally. The majority of children with ADHD never outgrow their symptoms, and they appear almost as frequently in females as they do in boys. Additionally, evidence from science strongly supports that ADHD is inherited. This indicates that there is a good probability you have ADHD if you are the mother of a child who struggles with attention and impulsivity.

The majority of women are shocked by this discovery since they have always believed that hyperactive boys are the only ones with ADHD. It’s not, in fact. Adult ADHD is a legitimate condition. In addition, women can have ADHD.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, states that there are three kinds of ADHD symptoms: primarily hyperactive, primarily inattentive, and combination type. Medical personnel continues to frequently misinterpret and misdiagnose inattentive ADHD symptoms as mood disorders, anxiety, or another condition. Additionally, girls and women are more likely than boys and men to experience inattentive ADHD. This contributes to the issue.

ADHD Test for Women: How Symptoms Differ in Women

Due to the possibility that their symptoms may differ from those of men and boys, females and girls with ADHD frequently go without a diagnosis. Inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or a combination of the two are the three ways that ADHD manifests. Boys and men are more likely to develop hyperactive/impulsive ADHD, which can make them antsy, restless, disruptive, chatty, impulsive, impatient, and moody.

Women, on the other hand, frequently have inattentive ADHD, which makes it challenging to concentrate, pay attention to details, maintain organization, listen, and recall information.

Boys are more likely than girls to receive an ADHD diagnosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (12.9% vs. 5.6%). 3 Research, however, indicates that girls are frequently underdiagnosed, not because girls are more sensitive than boys, as previously thought.

According to studies, there are a few minor distinctions between men and women with ADHD, however, they are often more similar than different. Girls typically have fewer coping mechanisms and worse self-efficacy than boys during adolescence. Additionally, compared to men, girls and women exhibit fewer externalizing symptoms like hostility but more despair and anxiety.

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Women ADHD Test: Why ADHD in Women Is Often Misdiagnosed

Girls’ ADHD symptoms are frequently seen as personality qualities rather than signs of a medical problem. A girl might be labeled as chatty, forgetful, or spacey, for instance. A woman may seek assistance for her symptoms later in life only to be given a depression or anxiety diagnosis. The good news is that as women’s ADHD symptoms become more well-known, more of them may access the necessary care.

There is a high prevalence of psychological anguish, inadequate feelings, low self-esteem, and ongoing stress. Women with ADHD frequently have a sense of disarray or loss of control over their life, and even the smallest chores can seem overwhelming.

In our society, women are typically expected to take care of others. Taking care of others can seem almost impossible when things feel out of control and it’s hard to plan and arrange because of ADHD. Additionally, this cultural pressure may significantly amplify a woman’s feelings of inadequacy.

Do I Have ADHD Quiz Female? Common Signs of ADHD in Women

ADHD women test: In many various facets of your life, you might detect symptoms of ADHD. Depending on the situation, such as at work or school, some of these symptoms could be more severe or obvious. You could find that spending a lot of time and energy on appearing “normal” is necessary.

ADHD quiz for women: Relationships

You could wish you could do the things that other people do and be a better friend, lover, or mother. For instance, you could wish you could make cookies, remember birthdays, and be on time for dates. People could assume you don’t care if you can’t perform the tasks that society expects women to perform.

ADHD in adult women test: Social Life

Because you had so much energy and wanted to stay busy as a child, you might have been labeled a tomboy. Friendships can be challenging for adults since social norms appear to be complex. You might be accused of talking more than anybody they know.

Even though you may be outgoing, you could detest coming to parties and other social events since they make you feel uncomfortable and shy. Unless you’re the one talking or the topic is really interesting to you, you tend to daydream during talks.

ADHD test women: Work

Being at work is challenging. The commotion and crowds make it challenging to complete work. Because you can only work when it’s peaceful and everyone else has left, you may decide to remain late or come in early. There are a lot of documents on your desk at work. It only stays clean for one or two days, despite your best efforts.

ADHD in women quiz: School

Because women are more likely to have inattentive ADHD, which doesn’t typically have the noticeable behavioral issues that hyperactive/impulsive ADHD typically does, ADHD symptoms in girls may go unnoticed at school.  

Teachers and parents may fail to recognize the likelihood of ADHD in girls because of their tendency to hyperfocus on the things they find interesting. Even though you know you’re just as brilliant, you could feel upset as an adult when folks you went to school with success but you don’t.

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How Is ADHD Diagnosed in Women? Adult Women ADHD Test

The poor diagnosis rate among women and girls is also due to outdated diagnostic criteria and presumptions. We’ve created the following symptom checklist for ladies to aid with that issue.

Please respond to the following questions honestly and share the results with your mental health professional — the only one qualified to make an official diagnosis of ADHD symptoms — if you believe you or your daughter may have the disorder.

Female ADHD Test FreeADHD in Females Symptoms Test

Woman ADHD quiz: You are more likely to have ADHD or ADD the more questions you correctly answer in the affirmative. Make sure to show your doctor your completed checklist.

  • Test for ADHD in women: Do you feel overwhelmed in stores, at the office, or at parties? Is it impossible for you to shut out sounds and distractions that don’t bother others?
  • ADHD quiz women: Is time, money, paper, or “stuff” dominating your life and hampering your ability to achieve your goals?
  • ADHD adult women test? Do you often shut down in the middle of the day, feeling assaulted? Do requests for “one more thing” put you over the top emotionally?
  • ADHD test for adult women: Are you spending most of your time coping, looking for things, catching up, or covering up? Do you avoid people because of this?
ADHD symptoms that go untreated can significantly affect a person's daily life.
ADHD in women test: ADHD symptoms that go untreated can significantly affect a person’s daily life.
  • Adult female ADHD test: Have you stopped having people over to your house because you’re ashamed of the mess?
  • ADHD women quiz: Do you have trouble balancing your checkbook?
  • ADHD test adult women: Do you often feel as if life is out of control, and that it’s impossible to meet demands?
  • ADHD female test: Do you feel like you’re always at one end of a deregulated activity spectrum — either a couch potato or a tornado?
  • ADHD testing for women: Do you feel that you have better ideas than other people but are unable to organize them or act on them?
  • Women’s ADHD test: Do you start each day determined to get organized, and end each day feeling defeated?
  • ADHD for women test: Have you watched others of equal intelligence and education pass you by?
  • Do I have ADHD female test: Do you despair of ever fulfilling your potential and meeting your goals?
  • ADHD in women test free: Have you ever been thought of as selfish because you don’t write thank-you notes or send birthday cards?
  • ADHD test in women: Are you clueless as to how others manage to lead consistent, regular lives?
  • ADHD women adult test: Are you called “a slob” or “spacey?” Are you “passing for normal?” Do you feel as if you are an impostor?
  • Adult woman ADHD test: Is all your time and energy taken up with coping, staying organized, and holding it together, with no time for fun or relaxation?

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Treatment for ADHD in Women

Effective treatment for ADHD in women frequently entails a combination of techniques. The kind, effect, and severity of ADHD symptoms all influence the recommended therapy. Medication, therapy, lifestyle modifications, and adjustments for school, work, and home are all possible therapies for ADHD.

Finding the right treatment requires a precise diagnosis, which must come first. Getting a diagnosis can be a crucial step toward understanding aspects of yourself that you may have previously attributed to other factors. ADHD is frequently overlooked until well into adulthood.

Once you are aware that you have ADHD, you may feel more motivated to seek treatment and make lifestyle adjustments that will enable you to better control the condition’s symptoms. Additionally, it can make you more aware of some of your assets, such as your inventiveness and high levels of energy, which you can use to your advantage in dealing with the difficulties you encounter.

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We Level Up Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The exact definition of dual diagnosis (also referred to as co-occurring disorders) can differ between institutions.  However, it is generally described as the specific treatment of someone who has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder at the same time.

Treating dual-diagnosis clients is a critical aspect of our inpatient treatment experience because co-occurring disorders are strongly correlated with instances of substance abuse. Creating a treatment plan that addresses the physical aspects of withdrawal, the psychological connection with drug use, and managing underlying mental health disorders is part of setting clients up for success. 

A thorough mental health analysis identifies possibilities for treatment.  Meeting with mental health counselors and medical care providers means access to behavioral therapy and medication treatment.

At our dual diagnosis treatment center, We Level Up can implement the highest quality of care. We recognize the fragile complexities of how mental and substance abuse disorders can influence others and sometimes result in a vicious cycle of addiction.  That’s why we offer specialized treatment in dual-diagnosis cases to provide the most excellent chance of true healing and long-lasting recovery.

It can be challenging to accept that you may be living with a mental illness, but once it is properly diagnosed and treated, treating the presenting case of substance abuse can be magnitudes easier. Only a properly trained medical professional can diagnose these underlying conditions.  If you believe you are suffering from a disorder alongside addiction, we urge you to seek a qualified treatment center to begin your journey to recovery. Call We Level Up today.

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