ADD vs ADHD Explained. ADHD vs ADD Causes. ADD vs ADHD Adults Risk Factors. ADD vs ADHD in Adults Treatment & ADD vs ADHD Symptoms.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is an antiquated expression that has been replaced by the contemporary terminology used by experts, which is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADD is now obsolete as a formal diagnosis. Continue to read more about the connection between ADD vs ADHD symptoms and the newest updated diagnosis applied today.

What is The Difference Between ADD vs ADHD?

ADD (attention deficit disorder) vs ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are two terms that are often confused. ADHD symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. In contrast, ADD symptoms of inattention are related to an outdated term that refers to a subtype of ADHD with inattention symptoms.

The term “ADD” is no longer used by healthcare professionals. Instead, the condition is now divided into three subtypes of ADHD. Each subtype represents a different pattern of symptoms and behavior.

It’s essential to get an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional to receive the appropriate treatment for ADHD. By examining these distinct types, we gain insights into how individuals’ attention and cognitive functions may vary, contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of this neurodevelopmental condition.

ADD vs ADHD Adults Today

In contemporary understanding, ADHD encompasses a broader spectrum of symptoms compared to the previously used term ADD. While ADD primarily emphasizes difficulties sustaining attention, ADHD recognizes both attentional issues and hyperactivity-impulsivity components, offering a more comprehensive description of the condition.

Inattentive ADHD (Formerly ADD)

Predominantly Inattentive Type ADHD

The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) lists the diagnostic criteria for various mental conditions, including ADHD (DSM 5 ADD vs ADHD). The DSM-5 ADD vs ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity are absent in those with this kind of ADHD (formerly ADD.) Nevertheless, they may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Can’t organize tasks or activities.
  • You can be easily distracted from the job you are given.
  •  You often forget everyday activities.
  • You always lose things that you need to complete work.
  • You avoid, dislike, or postpone happenings that are not interesting to you.
  • You always lose your concentration on projects, chores, or duties in the workplace or office.
  •  You can’t follow clear directions.
  • You seem not to be listening.
  • You often make careless mistakes.
  • You have trouble focusing on tasks or social activities.

In the ADD vs ADHD DSM 5, ADHD includes both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive presentations, replacing the previously used term ADD.

Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type ADHD

Individuals with hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD will have the following signs. They will show signs of:

  •  Being constantly “on the go.”
  •  Squirming in their seat, fidgeting with objects on their desk, or tapping their hands or feet.
  •  Regularly leaving their seat at inappropriate times, such as during work meetings, classes, or presentations.
  •  Talking excessively.
  •  Having trouble waiting their turn.
  •  Interrupting others in conversation or intruding on activities.
  •  Blurting out answers before a question is finished.
Combined Type ADHD

ADHD Combined Type

This, the most common type of ADHD, is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors, inattention, and distractibility. Furthermore, the following conditions must be met:

  • Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present.
  • Several symptoms are present in two or more settings (such as at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; or in other activities).
  • There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with or reduce the quality of social, school, or work functioning.
  • The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (such as mood, anxiety, dissociative, or personality disorders). The symptoms do not happen only during schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder.

Understanding ADD vs ADHD Symptoms

While diagnosis criteria remain the same regardless of age, adults may face different challenges than children when managing their condition.

Adults with undiagnosed or untreated ADHD may struggle with work productivity, relationships, time management skills, or financial issues due to difficulties concentrating and staying organized. It’s essential for adults who have been diagnosed with either form of ADHD to receive proper treatment and support to manage their symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of ADHD and ADD in adults can be similar, but some key differences exist. People with ADHD tend to be more prone to impulsive behavior, procrastination, and risk-taking than those with ADD, who are more likely to be inattentive, “space out,” or become easily distracted. People with ADD often have difficulty focusing on tasks that require sustained attention, while ADHD adults may have trouble transitioning from one job to another.

Adults with ADHD also may feel restless and have difficulty staying still, while those with ADD may move slowly and have problems getting started on tasks. ADHD adults can have difficulty listening to others or following instructions, while those with ADD may have trouble organizing, remembering details, and managing their time. Both can lead to disorganization, making it hard to keep up with work, school, relationships, and home responsibilities.

ADHD vs ADD Diagnosis

ADHD is a disorder that is diagnosed clinically and does not have any specific laboratory or radiologic tests. Neuropsychological tests are not as sensitive for diagnosing the condition; hence, the disorder should be diagnosed based on the patient’s history.

The evaluation of the patient with ADHD is usually done with different rating scales and multiple informants, who may include teachers, guardians, and parents. A clinician must look for other disorders that may cause a person’s symptoms. It should not be diagnosed in the context of symptoms from another condition, for example, a psychotic episode or manic episode.

ADHD includes combined, inattentive, and hyperactive-impulsive type presentations, whereas ADD is limited to the inattentive presentation of this condition. The critical similarity between the two is that both require difficulty staying focused and sustaining concentration over time.

So, how do therapists differentiate ADHD vs ADD? They examine the primary differences from the varied symptoms exhibited. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood.

ADHD is the official medical term for the condition, regardless of whether a patient demonstrates symptoms of hyperactivity. ADD is a now-outdated term typically used to describe inattentive-type ADHD, which has symptoms including disorganization, lack of focus, and forgetfulness. The term ADD first appeared in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-3), a reference manual that helps mental health professionals diagnose mental health conditions.

For adult ADD vs ADHD, experts separated the condition into two subtypes:

  • ADD with hyperactivity.
  • ADD without hyperactivity.

When the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released a revised edition in 1987, they combined these two subtypes (ADD vs ADHD meaning) into one condition as ADHD.

ADD vs ADHD Test

Try our interactive online quiz designed to assess and provide insights into attention deficit disorder (ADD), helping you better understand your cognitive patterns, attentional focus, and potential challenges.

Engage with our user-friendly assessment to uncover valuable information about your attentional functioning and receive personalized recommendations for navigating your daily tasks and activities more effectively.

Nevertheless, the best way to diagnose ADHD and ADD is to speak to a doctor or mental health professional. A professional can assess your symptoms and behavior and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. Specific medical tests, such as a neuropsychological assessment or neurodevelopmental disorder screening test, can help diagnose and treat ADD and ADHD.

What is ADD vs ADHD in female adults? Though males are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD vs ADD than females, it’s becoming more apparent that ADHD does not affect one gender more.
What is ADD vs ADHD in female adults? Though males are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD vs ADD than females, it’s becoming more apparent that ADHD does not affect one gender more.

Learn More:

Contact We Level Up FL today to get started! We can help you explore ADD vs ADHD treatment options and resources.
Contact We Level Up FL today to get started! We can help you explore ADD vs ADHD treatment options and resources.

Finding Help For ADD and ADHD

Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) vs attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects one’s focus on schoolwork, social interactions, and regular activities like getting dressed or working. Learn the symptoms of ADHD and how to get help with ADHD treatment. Mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and dissociative disorders can all show similar signs to ADD or ADHD.

Mental health rehabilitation can be beneficial in addressing and managing the challenges associated with ADHD, providing tailored strategies and support for individuals to improve their overall well-being and functioning.

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In-Depth ADD vs ADHD Differences

Regarding ADD meaning vs ADHD, the primary distinction between attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) lies in presenting symptoms. ADD, also known as the inattentive subtype of ADHD, is characterized by difficulties sustaining attention and organizing tasks without the prominent presence of hyperactivity or impulsivity. On the other hand, ADHD encompasses two main subtypes: the predominantly inattentive presentation and the combined presentation, which includes both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.

Neurologically, these differences in symptomatology are thought to stem from variations in brain activity, neurotransmitter levels, and connectivity patterns within the prefrontal cortex and other relevant brain regions.

Inattentive ADHD Symptoms 

Inattentive ADHD is one of three categories of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. People with the ADHD inattentive type are often quieter, daydream a lot, easily get distracted and forget essential things, have a hard time staying focused, and may seem disorganized. Treatment for inattentive ADHD includes lifestyle changes, medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, coping strategies, and supportive resources.

Common symptoms of inattentive ADHD in women and men include the following:

  • Difficulty paying attention.
  • Forgetting things easily.
  • Need help completing tasks.
  • Disorganization.
  • Procrastination.
  • Difficulty focusing on one study for more than a few minutes.
  • Difficulty multitasking.
  • Difficulty following through on commitments.

ADD vs ADHD in females may exhibit more internalized symptoms, such as daydreaming or difficulty with organization, which can be overlooked compared to the more overt hyperactivity seen in men. These gender-specific variations highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing ADHD symptoms in a manner that considers the unique ways they may present in women and men.

Inattentive ADHD in Women

Women with inattentive ADHD may experience unique symptoms, such as difficulty managing relationships, emotions, and multitasking. Women with this type of ADHD may struggle to recognize patterns, make intuitive leaps, and deal with abstract ideas. Women with inattentive ADHD may also experience more stress daily, often exacerbating their symptoms and making them harder to manage. Treatment for inattentive ADHD in women includes lifestyle changes.

ADHD in adult women is often underdiagnosed, as there are differences in how female adults present with symptoms. Women with ADHD may experience more distraction than men, and the intrusive thinking associated with their ADHD may manifest more as rumination rather than impulsivity.

Primary ADHD and ADD Difference

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is also characterized by difficulty with concentration but does not include hyperactivity or impulsivity.

With the introduction of the DSM-5 in 2013, both ADD and ADHD are now considered subtypes of a single condition.

ADD in Adult Men

ADHD in men is often characterized by difficulties in maintaining focus and attention, impulsive decision-making, and challenges with organization and time management.

Hyperactivity symptoms that may have been evident in childhood can manifest as a sense of restlessness or inner agitation in adulthood. These symptoms can impact various aspects of life, from work and relationships to overall well-being.

In adult men, ADHD can manifest through the following signs and symptoms:

  • Challenges with sustained attention, making it difficult to focus on tasks.
  • Impulsivity leads to hasty decisions and difficulty in self-regulation.
  • Organizational difficulties affecting time management and task completion.
  • Restlessness or inner agitation.
  • Inconsistent performance and frequent procrastination.
  • Difficulty in maintaining relationships due to communication and attentiveness issues.
  • Increased risk of developing comorbid conditions such as anxiety and depression.
  • Potential coping mechanisms like excessive caffeine consumption or high-risk behaviors.
  • Varied employment history due to struggles with maintaining consistent work performance.
  • Challenges in managing personal finances and responsibilities.

Understanding these distinctive characteristics is essential for accurate diagnosis and tailored interventions for ADHD in adult men.

ADHD Pathophysiology

ADHD is associated with cognitive and functional deficits related to diffuse abnormalities in the brain. The anterior cingulate gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLFPC) are found to be small in individuals who are suffering from ADHD. These changes account for the deficits in goal-directed behavior. Moreover, activity in the frontostriatal region is also reduced in these individuals as measured by fMRI. It is essential to understand these pathophysiological mechanisms so that treatment is directed toward them.

ADD vs ADHD Fact Sheet

ADHD Meaning

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that extend beyond typical levels for a person’s age.

Neurologically, ADHD is associated with disruptions in the prefrontal cortex, the region responsible for executive functions like attention control, decision-making, and impulse regulation. These disruptions involve neurotransmitter imbalances, particularly dopamine, and norepinephrine, which play critical roles in modulating attention and behavior.

The complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors contributes to the etiology of ADHD.

Adult ADHD vs ADD

ADHD and ADD are two different types of attention deficit disorders, but they have a lot of common symptoms and characteristics. ADHD is characterized by difficulty staying focused and controlling impulsive behaviors. ADD is characterized by difficulty staying focused and managing impulses without the hyperactivity or restlessness associated with ADHD.

The Meaning of ADD To Most People

ADD is often considered more of an “inattentive” disorder, where someone with ADD may be able to concentrate on tasks they are interested in, while someone with ADHD may be unable to focus regardless of the task’s level of interest. Moreover, people with ADD are usually calmer and may have difficulty finishing tasks, projects or being organized. People with ADHD may be prone to outbursts and risky behavior.

ADD vs ADHD Etiologic Theories

Neurobiological factors appear to play a role in the onset of ADD. Studies of twins and adoptions offer strong evidence of a genetic link, and 20% of parents of children with ADD have the problem themselves. People with ADD might have problems in the prefrontal cortex that would affect dopamine and noradrenaline levels and structural changes in the striatum and the cortex.

ADHD vs ADD Symptoms

ADD is a type of ADHD characterized by difficulty paying attention and controlling impulses, but without the hyperactivity typically seen in ADHD.

People with ADD may need help paying attention to details, following instructions, and staying organized, but they are generally not excessively active or impulsive.

ADHD, on the other hand, is characterized by a combination of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may have difficulty paying attention, following instructions, and staying organized, and they may also be excessively active and impulsive.

Both ADHD vs ADD in adults is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors and can affect people of any age. Both conditions can be treated with medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

ADD vs ADHD Adults Treatment

When treating adults with ADD or ADHD, it is crucial to consider the individual’s unique needs and circumstances. Adults with ADD or ADHD may need specialized care tailored specifically for them that goes beyond traditional treatment programs for mental health.

The ADD or ADHD facility must understand how symptoms can affect an adult’s ability to cope with skills to complete tasks and other aspects of recovery. Therapies offered at ADD or ADHD rehab centers should focus on helping adults manage their symptoms while addressing underlying issues such as depression or anxiety. The program should also identify strategies to help individuals learn how to manage their attention deficits long-term effectively.

While there is no cure for either disorder, they can be treated with medication and behavioral therapies to reduce symptoms and improve functioning. Cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity and improving sleep habits can help to manage symptoms.

ADD vs ADHD Comorbidity

Half of those with ADD have comorbid psychiatric disorders: 19% to 37% have mood disorders (depression, bipolar affective disorders, and dysthymia), 25% to 50% have anxiety disorders, 32% to 53% have addiction problems, and 10% to 28% have personality disorders.

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ADD vs ADHD Disorders Statistics

When the American Psychiatric Association released a revised edition in 1987, they combined these two subtypes into one condition, ADHD. Adults can have ADHD too. Nearly 2.6 percent of adults globally have persistent ADHD from childhood, while about 6.7 percent of adults have symptoms of adult ADHD.

8.7 Million

In 2019, the number of visits to medical offices with attention deficit disorder as the primary diagnosis was 8.7 million.

Source: NIMH


Inattentive ADHD, also known as ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation, is estimated to affect around 25% to 30% of individuals diagnosed with ADHD.

Source: NIMH

1 in 5

In 2020, nearly one in five US adults had a mental illness, including ADHD.

Source: NIMH

Top 5 Signs of ADHD in Adults

ADHD is not limited to childhood and can persist into adulthood, though it may present differently. Many individuals with undiagnosed or untreated ADHD experience symptoms that impact their adult lives, including work, relationships, and overall functioning.

 ADHD in adults can be more subtle and misinterpreted as another mental health condition, complicating its diagnosis. Recognizing signs of ADHD vs ADD is the first step toward real change. Knowing the facts empowers you to seek the professional help you may need to overcome challenges and thrive.

1. Difficulty Focusing

Adults with ADHD may lack control over what they focus on and have difficulty concentrating.

You may notice the following: 

  • Easily distracted.
  • Daydreaming.
  • Zoning out during conversations.
  • Overlooking instructions and details.
  • Need to finish projects or tasks on time.

Another symptom of ADHD in adults is the tendency to hyperfocus on projects you find exciting and interesting. In this state, you may be unable to focus on other important tasks or people.

2. Misplacing Items

Storing, organizing, or keeping track of belongings can be troublesome for those with ADHD. This can involve:

  • Misplacing everyday items (i.e., car keys or wallet) while the brain is on autopilot.
  • Losing track of where an item is placed after a moment of inattention.
  • Constantly retracing steps to find lost items.
  • Storing things in the wrong places (i.e., work papers in your car, dirty dishes in the bedroom).

3. Always Running Late

Regularly running late due to poor time management, individuals with ADHD often run late for appointments, meetings, or social plans. The reasons often include the following:

  • You can’t find the required items (car keys, wallet, meeting notes, etc.)
  • You forget dates and times.
  • You are underestimating the time you need to complete projects or tasks.
  • You get distracted while preparing for an appointment or event.
ADD vs ADHD? The difference between the terms lies in including hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD, which may not be as prominent in individuals with the inattentive subtype (ADD). Learn how it affects females.
ADD vs ADHD? The difference between the terms lies in including hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD, which may not be as prominent in individuals with the inattentive subtype (ADD). Learn how it affects females.

4. Risky Behaviors

Research shows that adults with ADHD are likelier to engage in risk-taking behavior. By seeking help and support, you can proactively reduce your chances of involvement in these activities. These behaviors may involve the following:

  • Starting arguments or fights.
  • Overspending.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Substance use (alcohol or drugs).
  • Risky sex-related decisions (i.e., unprotected sex).
  • Gambling.
  • Impulsive eating.

5. Lack of Listening Skills

Social interactions may feel like a challenge if you have ADHD. You may struggle with the following: 

  • Waiting for your turn to speak.
  • Staying on topic.
  • Keeping track of the conversation.
  • Using non-verbal cues to show active listening.
  • Talking too fast.
  • Speaking too much.
  • Blurting out words that make others uncomfortable.
  • Unable to read other people’s body language.

ADD vs ADHD Infographic

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity symptoms. At the same time, ADD (attention deficit disorder) is an outdated term previously used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD.

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To fully understand ADD vs ADHD, remember that ADD (attention deficit disorder) is an outdated term previously used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD.
To fully understand ADD vs ADHD, remember that ADD (attention deficit disorder) is an outdated term previously used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

Scientists are studying causes and ADHD risk factors to find better ways to manage and reduce the chances of a person having ADHD.

The reasons and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but current research shows that genetics plays a significant role. Recent studies link genetic factors with ADHD.

In addition to genetics, scientists are studying other possible causes and risk factors, including the following:

  • Brain injury.
  • Exposure to environmental risks (e.g., lead) during pregnancy or young age.
  • Alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy.
  • Premature delivery.
  • Low birth weight.

Research does not support the popularly held views that ADHD is caused by overeating sugar, watching too much television, parenting, or social and environmental factors such as poverty or family chaos. Of course, many things, including these, might worsen symptoms, especially in certain people. But the evidence is not strong enough to conclude that they are the leading causes of ADHD.

Deciding if an individual has ADHD is a process with several steps. The symptoms of many other conditions, including anxiety, depression, sleep issues, and specific learning difficulties, might be similar to those of ADHD, which cannot be diagnosed with a single test. A medical checkup, which includes hearing and vision testing, is one stage in the procedure to rule out other conditions with symptoms similar to ADHD. A checklist for grading ADHD symptoms and obtaining background information from parents, teachers, and occasionally the patient themselves are typically used to diagnose ADHD.

ADD vs ADHD Facilities

ADD vs ADHD treatment facilities need to support the family of those with ADD or ADHD disorders. Family-oriented therapies, such as couples therapy and family counseling, can help individuals and their loved ones develop healthy communication strategies that will lead to long-term recovery success.

It is also essential for an ADD vs ADHD rehab center to provide education about mental health and its effects on both the individual and their family members. With this information, families can better understand what the individual is going through and how they can best support them during treatment and afterward.

By offering comprehensive care tailored specifically for adults with ADD vs ADHD, mental health rehab centers can give individuals the best chance at achieving living fully again. The facility should have experienced staff knowledgeable about ADHD treatment and mental illness so they can adequately address different signs and symptoms and comorbidities.

The benefits of getting into an inpatient program for ADHD treatment include the following:

  • Structured Environment: Inpatient rehab provides a highly structured setting that helps individuals with ADHD establish routines and develop better time management skills.
  • Intensive Therapy: Inpatient programs offer intensive therapy and counseling sessions, allowing for focused attention on addressing ADHD symptoms and related challenges.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Inpatient rehab often involves a team of specialists, including psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and social workers, providing a holistic approach to treatment.

ADD vs ADHD Medication

ADHD is often treated with one of three types of ADD and anxiety medication, psychostimulants, antidepressants, or non-stimulant drugs.

Those with inattentive ADD may benefit from this medication for anxiety and ADD to help them focus and stay on target.

  • Psychostimulants: Psychostimulants impact neurotransmitters in the brain, which may help ADD patients with anxiety feel more energized and attentive. The extended-release form is often recommended (instead of the immediate-release form). Psychostimulants include amphetamines such as Adderall (Adderall for ADD vs ADHD) and methylphenidates such as Ritalin and Concerta.
  • Antidepressants: Antidepressants also affect neurotransmitters in the brain and may help improve mood and attention for those suffering from adult ADD and anxiety. Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Effexor are two common antidepressants for ADHD’s inattentive symptomatology (venlafaxine).
  • Non-stimulant drugs: For some who experience undesirable stimulant side effects, ADD medicines can be beneficial. Anxiety or ADD medications include Strattera (atomoxetine) and Intuniv (guanfacine). Non-stimulants affect a neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, and may help regulate emotions and improve focus on specific tasks.

As with any medication, there are common side effects. Psychostimulants, antidepressants, and non-stimulants can cause dizziness, loss of appetite, upset stomach, and more. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you or someone you care about is experiencing unusual symptoms.

Behavioral Therapy for ADHD

Whether or not patients choose medication as a treatment option, most psychologists suggest that a behavior intervention plan should be developed to help teach loved ones adaptive behavior skills and reduce off-task and inattentive behaviors. Often, a combination of various methods is used, including:

  • Behavior Therapy: A therapist usually meets with you and your loved one with ADHD. A session often involves the therapist facilitating a conversation with your loved one or even providing them with an activity to help them express their feelings. Your doctor or therapist might recommend family therapy so all family members can learn healthy ways to manage your loved one’s condition.
  • Parent Training in Behavior Management: You will learn strategies such as talk therapy to allow your loved one to freely express their feelings and help them adopt healthy coping mechanisms to deal with challenging emotions.
  • Behavioral Interventions at School: Your loved one may meet the criteria for extra assistance under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Accommodations may include spare time on tests, additional breaks, changes to their environment, positive reinforcement, and assignments made specifically for your loved one.
  • Behavioral Peer Interventions: With this approach, a therapist or trained professional will lead a group of individuals in activities that teach them how to interact constructively with their peers. Skills such as having conversations, coping with teasing, and making friends are taught. Loved ones may be trained to reinforce the lessons at home and school.

Best ADD Medication for Adults with Anxiety

The symptoms of ADHD and ADD overlap, but they are different conditions. A person with ADD does not have a problem with hyperactivity, only with paying attention. Current diagnostic criteria do not list ADD as a separate condition but group the symptoms under inattentive ADHD. People with ADHD and ADD can face difficulties in their daily life, both in childhood and as adults.

It can take some time to get a correct diagnosis, but once this is done, a doctor can help the person through lifestyle changes and possibly medication. If a person shows any of the above symptoms, which are holding back their progress at school or work or disrupting relationships, it is a good idea to seek medical help.

The benefits of ADHD medication can vary from person to person, and decisions about medication should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional.

The benefits of taking medications for ADD and ADHD are:

  • Improved Focus.
  • Reduced Impulsivity.
  • Enhanced Executive Functioning.
  • Better School/Work Performance.
  • Positive Social Interactions.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem.
  • Decreased Anxiety.
  • Improved Quality of Life.
  • Easier Learning.
  • Effective Coping.

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The Difference Between ADD vs ADHD Video

The Difference Between ADD vs ADHD Video Script

Welcome to the We Level Up treatment center video series. In today’s video we will discuss

ADD vs ADHD Symptoms

ADD (attention deficit disorder) vs ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 

are two terms that are often confused. 

ADHD symptoms include 



and inattention. 

In contrast, ADD symptoms of inattention are related to an outdated term that refers to a subtype of ADHD with inattention symptoms.

It’s essential to get an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional to receive the appropriate treatment for ADHD. 

By examining these distinct types, we gain insights into how individuals’ attention and cognitive functions may vary, 

contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of this neurodevelopmental condition.

The term “ADD” is no longer used by healthcare professionals. 

Instead, the condition is now divided into three subtypes of ADHD. 

Each subtype represents a different pattern of symptoms and behavior.

Predominantly Inattentive Type ADHD

The DSM-5 (a manual for mental disorders) gives the rules for diagnosing different mental conditions, like ADHD. 

When it comes to this type of ADHD (which used to be called ADD), the signs of hyperactivity are not there. 

But people with it may still show these signs:

Can’t organize tasks or activities.

You can be easily distracted from the job you are given.

You often forget everyday activities.

You always lose things that you need to complete work.

You avoid, dislike, or postpone happenings that are not interesting to you.

You always lose your concentration on projects, chores, or duties in the workplace or office.

You can’t follow clear directions.

You seem not to be listening.

You often make careless mistakes.

You have trouble focusing on tasks or social activities.

In the ADD vs ADHD DSM 5, ADHD includes both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive presentations, replacing the previously used term ADD.

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type ADHD

Individuals with hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD will have the following signs. They will show signs of:

Being constantly “on the go.”

Squirming in their seat, fidgeting with objects on their desk, or tapping their hands or feet.

Regularly leaving their seat at inappropriate times, such as during work meetings, classes, or presentations.

Talking excessively.

Having trouble waiting their turn.

Interrupting others in conversation or intruding on activities.

Blurting out answers before a question is finished.

ADHD Combined Type

This, the most common type of ADHD, is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors, inattention, and distractibility.

Furthermore, the following conditions must be met:

Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present.

Several symptoms are present in two or more settings.

 such as at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; or in other activities

There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with or reduce the quality of social, school, or work functioning.

The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (such as mood, anxiety, dissociative, or personality disorders). The symptoms do not happen only during schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

Scientists are studying causes and ADHD risk factors to find better ways to manage and reduce the chances of a person having ADHD.

The reasons and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but current research shows that genetics plays a significant role. Recent studies link genetic factors with ADHD.

In addition to genetics, scientists are studying other possible causes and risk factors, including the following:

Brain injury.

Exposure to environmental risks (e.g., lead) during pregnancy or young age.

Alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy.

Premature delivery.

Low birth weight.

Research does not support the popularly held views that ADHD is caused by:

overeating sugar, 

watching too much television, 


or social and environmental factors such as poverty or family chaos.

Of course, many things, including these, might worsen symptoms, especially in certain people.

But the evidence is not strong enough to conclude that they are the leading causes of ADHD.

Deciding if an individual has ADHD is a process with several steps. 

The symptoms of many other conditions, including anxiety, 


sleep issues, 

and specific learning difficulties, 

might be similar to those of ADHD, which cannot be diagnosed with a single test. 

A medical checkup, which includes hearing and vision testing, is one stage in the procedure to rule out other conditions with symptoms similar to ADHD. 

A checklist for grading ADHD symptoms and obtaining background information from parents, teachers, and occasionally the patient themselves are typically used to diagnose ADHD.

ADD vs ADHD Facilities

ADD vs ADHD treatment facilities need to support the family of those with ADD or ADHD disorders. 

Family-oriented therapies, such as couples therapy and family counseling, 

can help individuals and their loved ones develop healthy communication strategies that will lead to long-term recovery success.

It is also essential for an ADD vs ADHD rehab center to provide education about mental health and its effects on both the individual and their family members. 

With this information, families can better understand what the individual is going through and how they can best support them during treatment and afterward.

By offering comprehensive care tailored specifically for adults with ADD vs ADHD, mental health rehab centers can give individuals the best chance at achieving living fully again. 

he facility should have experienced staff knowledgeable about ADHD treatment and mental illness so they can adequately address different signs and symptoms and comorbidities.

The benefits of getting into an inpatient program for ADHD treatment include the following:

Structured Environment

Inpatient rehab provides a highly structured setting that helps individuals with ADHD establish routines and develop better time management skills.

Intensive Therapy

Inpatient programs offer intensive therapy and counseling sessions, allowing for focused attention on addressing ADHD symptoms and related challenges.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Inpatient rehab often involves a team of specialists, including psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and social workers, providing a holistic approach to treatment.

We Level Up FL offers an ADHD treatment program at our mental health treatment center in Florida. 

Here, clients participate in clinical and experiential therapies as part of our comprehensive curriculum. 

If your loved one is struggling with their ADHD diagnosis, we can help them understand their disorder and teach them the skills they need to reach their full potential.

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We Level Up FL ADHD Treatment Center

Treatment for adult ADHD and ADD conditions usually involves a combination of medication and meetings with a therapist. How you start may depend on what state is causing you more trouble. For example, if ADHD is causing stress, treating that first may take away one of the causes of a co-occurring mental health condition, such as depression.

Early intervention and ongoing treatment are essential to managing ADD vs ADHD symptoms effectively. Contact We Level Up FL today to get started!
Early intervention and ongoing treatment are essential to managing ADD vs ADHD symptoms effectively. Contact We Level Up FL today to get started!
  • ADHD is often treated with stimulants that boost brain chemicals linked to focus and thinking. They can help with symptoms while you’re at school or work but can also make you less hungry or cause headaches or sleep problems.
  • Some ADHD drugs don’t involve stimulants or have the same side effects. But they may not work as quickly. Your doctor might give you a combination of stimulants and non-stimulant drugs.
  • Living with the symptoms of ADD vs ADHD in adults can be challenging, but you can take steps to manage both conditions. A mental health professional may prescribe stimulant and antidepressant medications. They may also recommend counseling or other therapies.

We Level Up FL offers an ADHD treatment program at our mental health treatment center in Florida. Here, clients participate in clinical and experiential therapies as part of our comprehensive curriculum. If your loved one is struggling with their ADHD diagnosis, we can help them understand their disorder and teach them the skills they need to reach their full potential.

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Top 3 Add vs Anxiety in Adults FAQs

  1. Does ADD cause anxiety?

    Yes. Anxiety vs ADD, adults with ADHD or ADD lead anxious lives. The nature of ADHD often makes day-to-day life stressful, making situations and environments fraught with tension.

  2. Can ADD cause anxiety?

    Yes. ADD or ADHD, and anxiety disorders frequently occur together. Both of these diseases may coexist, or ADHD may influence the emergence of an anxiety illness. People with ADHD often also suffer from other mental health issues.

  3. Can anxiety cause ADD?

    ADHD and ADD symptoms do often resemble and coincide with those of other conditions like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, leading to misdiagnosis but also insufficient diagnosis when unrecognized comorbidities exist.

Learn About Anxiety Disorder Facts & Anxiety Treatment Programs That Can Help You.

Is it ADHD? ADD or anxiety? ADHD and anxiety are inextricably linked. Anxiety disorder is the most prevalent comorbidity of ADHD, in part because the ADHD experience leads to a life filled with stress and concern. Anxiety disorders are an overall mental health condition. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 31.1% of Americans have suffered from some anxiety disorder.

ADHD often coexists with anxiety, creating a complex interplay between these conditions. Individuals with ADHD may experience heightened anxiety levels due to challenges in focusing and impulsivity, while anxiety can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, leading to difficulties in concentration and self-regulation. Recognizing and addressing this dual relationship is crucial for effective treatment and management.

If you or a loved one is struggling with ADD vs ADHD or other mental health disorder(s), call for a FREE consultation 24/7 at (561) 678-0917

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